Thursday, January 31, 2008

10 Days of Hell

Since last weeks Full Moon Mountain Bike Ride I have been out of commission. First I get the flu then this darn Sinusitis that it appears I contacted from someone/thing has really beat me down. I tried to train some (like last weekends ride with Dan and Randy), but my body was having nothing to do with it. The worst part is the migraine type headaches that came with it. After 10 days of hell I finally broke down and went to the doctor yesterday. It is amazing what some Rx, a sinus wash and 12+ hours of sleep will do for least my problems are not as bad as my teammates perirectal absess. Don't worry I will not post a picture of it.....

My brother forwarded me an email from one of our old classmates that lives in South Florida. Joel, who during school didn't even know how to ride a bike, is now an avid cyclist down in Florida. Apparently a car pulled out in front of a small pack of cyclist and several of them went down. Mark Hewitt took the worst of it going through the windshield of the car. I don't know which is more dangerous, riding in Kansas City or Ft. Lauderdale. After thinking back on several near death experiences that I had when I used to train on those crazy Florida roads I vote on Florida :-)


Mark Studnicki said...

You need to get out and just grind through it. I only felt better after i sweat it out. that crap will take a foot-hold in your body if you lay around and rest, so don't give it the opportunity.

Randy said...

I am not sure about Mark's advice, but I think I am catching something as well. Been up hacking and coughing all night long, I will probably be out for the weekend training.