Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Racing Season Begins

Commuted home this afternoon in preparation for this weekends races. It was the first time commuting this year. The weather has been crappy so I have spent most of the time either trail running or spinning on the trainer. It was sure nice to get out, but I kept thinking of Dan and was a little nervous as traffic passed. I'm thinking of using a mirror either on my helmet or my bars. I don't know if this would help or not. I do know that I need to stay positive and read How Not to Get Hit by Cars.

The cycling season begins this weekend. Plenty of events to chose from. I may go out to Jim's event on Saturday for his Spring Fling. All depends on the weather. The forecast calls for rain Friday, Saturday and Sunday which will make Truman's Love a interesting experience. Especially with all the snow and cold weather we have had. The trails have had no time to dry out. It may just be worse that the Lunatic Fringe several years ago. I found this old picture of Damian and I. Man that was a fun day.

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