Friday, December 10, 2010

Tip of the Day - Zone Training

I have decided that I am going to use a more systematic training method for 2011. My training plan for this past year did not work very well. Once of my worst seasons ever, but I will get to that later. Why didn't it work? Basically because I had no plan. I just did what I felt like doing at the time. I had no real measurable goals nor objectives, no schedule, no workouts focusing on my weaknesses and my biggest mistake was always training outside of my "zone". End result was becoming totally over trained and never getting enough rest.

Below is one of the best "Zone" descriptions I have seen in awhile. Training comes up often, especially when riding with someone new. I always talk about training, workloads and training in the zone.

So when you go flying by me this winter you will know that I am in "My Zone" and working on achieving my goals in 2011.

Zone 1: Barely above normal. Light and relaxed
Zone 2: Deep steady relaxed breathing. That’s your aerobic, endurance-training zone. It’s an Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) of 3 to 4.
Zone 3: Slightly labored. This is a steady “tempo” pace, where you’re working just a hair above your endurance comfort zone. It’s where you’d be if you were riding with someone just slightly faster than you. RPE 5 to 6
Zone 4: Short, quick rhythmic breathing. This is your lactate threshold zone. Right where you’re hitting your sustainable upper limits. Also known as race pace It’s an RPE of 6 to 8
Zone 5: Hard, gasping-for-breath breathing. This is your VO2 max training zone, which is a fancy way of saying, the top of your limits, as hard as you can go. It’s an RPE of 9 to 10.


Mark Studnicki said...

What an amazingly-unique concept!

dirtdobber said...

You are funny Mark.

You would be proud of me. Today is one solid week of following my training plan instead of someone else :-)

Mark Studnicki said...

That's right, MY plan caused your last temporary retirement.