Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Smart or Lazy?

Christopher is home on Christmas break. He needed something to do to keep busy and earn some money to buy more Xbox games. I refuse to buy him any. I think those video games are just as bad as dope. Kids get addicted to them and all they want to do is stare at a screen and play with a controller. I regret ever allowing him to get one in the first place. But I digress....

So I give him a job which was to transport all the race equipment that we had left over from this years cross season from the garage to the shed out back. It was a large pile - taking up 1/2 the garage, and I estimated that it would take him 2 days to complete it. If he completed the work and did a good job I would pay him $100.00.

I get a call from him today, two hours after he began the job, tell me that the work has been completed and can we go to Game Stop tonight to buy a new game with his newly earned cash. I asked how he did it so fast. He said it was easy. He rounded up all the kids in the neighborhood, borrowed some wheel barrels and had the kids do all the work. My question is, is this smart of him or is he just lazy? Should I pay him or the kids who actually did the work?


Joshua Stamper said...

You have to admit that while you had "working hard" on your brain, Christopher had "working smarter" on his brain. Cant't help but tip you hat to that. You should also burn his copy of Tom Sawyer!

Tom said...

Pay Christopher $40 and then divide up the remaining $60 amongst the laborers.

Jason Rohrblogger said...

In the world of business, it's not what you do yourself, it's what you can get done. Executives are compenstated personally for the performance of those working under them. Christopher is the main contractor for the job and however he compensates his subcontractors are between him and his workers. It appears you owe him the whole amount...