Daniel Edward Tenaglia:
While riding his bicycle with wife Karen on Sunday, February 11, Daniel was struck by a vehicle. Two days later he passed away at East Alabama Medical Center. He was 37.
Dan is survived by wife Karen, parents Alfredo and Linda Tenaglia, sisters Gloria Cassidy and Marisa Campos, and brother Rik. He had two nieces and three nephews.
Dan was an accomplished cyclist, nature photographer--he developed the website www.missouriplants.com, a well-known botanists' guide to the flora of MO. With over a m

Dan Tenaglia Foundation for the Preservation of Natural Areas. Donations will be used to purchase land for conservation in his name. Please make all checks payable to the "Dan Tenaglia Foundation" and send them to: P.O. Box 4281, Opelika, Alabama 36803-4281.
Thank you for remembering our son Dan on the anniversary of his death.
The pain we feel will never cease. We miss him so much. We miss his wisdom, his knowledge, his laughter, smile, and love. His memories will live on among his family, friends, and the wonderful sites he left for all to see and enjoy.
We loved him so very much and appreciate all who remember him with great fondess.
Thank you again,
Linda Tenaglia
Dan's mom
Thank you for posting this. Dan was a friend of mine through field work in the Missouri Ozarks and living in Columbia, MO. I always remember Dan's endless cravings cabbage and pecan pies and love for nascar and Lawrence Welk. He was definitely one of a kind and is missed, but your post made me think of all of the wonderful things about him - and smile.
After a day out at Rock Bridge State Park near Columbia, MO, I came back to search the internet to see what I could learn about the plants I'd seen today; this led me to Dan's Missouri Plants webpage.
After only a few minutes on the page, I began to think that the person responsible for collecting all of the photographs must be one heck of a naturalist, and someone I would like to visit with.
I have been planning to make a several-month-long bike trip, with the goal in mind of learning as much as possible about the prevailing (and micro-scale) plant communities, touring parts of the great plains, the Ouachita Mts., Ozark, and Cumberland plateaus, Mississippi Lowlands, on through to Florida's Everglades, up the SE Coast, and back across to the Appalachian Trail; hiking from there to Maine, and heading back to Wisconsin and Michigan before further biking adventures.
Too much about my plans now, but I thought that it would be great to visit with Dan coming through Alabama, and when I searched his name, I was met with such tragic news. As a bicyclist, a lover of plants, a current resident of Columbia, Missouri, and a former resident of Ellington, MO/ field technician for the Missouri Ozark Forest Ecosystems Project; you might imagine that the fact he was victim of careless motor vehicle operation struck me resoundingly.
I cannot mourn in the same way as if I had known him personally, been a close companion; however, I will think of my bike trip in part as a Dan Tenaglia Memorial Ride.
Deep condolences to those who knew him, and may his contribution not go uncelebrated!
-Steve Caird stephen.caird@gmail.com
I always love seeing posts on your site that remember our son Dan in some way.
I am so sad that Stephen did not get the chance to meet our wonderful son. I am happy, however, that he is going to do his ride in Dan's memory.
Dan was our pride and joy and he his and always will be missed.
Thanks again.
Linda Tenaglia
Dan's mom
Hi Chris,
I just came across your post on Dan. I was lucky enough to meet Dan when we worked together at MOFEP. Dan's wife, Karen, was my field partner and I was fortunate enough to see them fall in love, which of course, meant I had to vacate the room that Karen and I shared and live in a tent for the summer - lol. I thought you might be interested to know that, this past summer, a friend (Donnie), was so inspired by his story, that he road the the California Death Ride in Dan's name this summer (=a 129 mile bike ride across 5 mountain peaks, with 15,000 feet of vertical gain in less than 12 hours - yikes). So, Dan continues to influence people in incredible ways. Now I need to email Karen and get a copy of this year's calendar. Thanks for the awesome post.
I just read Lynn's comment on Dan and her friend Donnie who rode in memory of Dan.
As Dan's proud mother, my heart is so happy to hear that Dan's memory still lives on from people who were inspired by him and his works.
It is almost three years and it seems like yesterday. We miss him so much, will always love him, and think about him every single day.
Thanks again to all who remember our wonderful son.
Linda Tenaglia
I did not know Dan Tenaglia. I found his missouriplants site and use it a lot. I was stunned to learn he had been killed. I am wondering why, since his site was evidently such a labor of love for him and is of such great value to so many people, it is not being finished in his memory?
Dan's images on the Missouri flora web site are of incomparable quality. As a body of work, there is simply nothing remotely as good on the web. Dan's images set the standard for excellence that all other plant identification sites should aspire to. Whenever I Google a new plant, I always smile when there's a "hit" on the Missouri flora site, because I know the images will be beautiful, detailed, and wonderful for identification. Because of their quality and popularity, Dan's pages are always at or near the top of Google's search results. (Try Googling "agalinis fasciculata")
After enjoying the site for years, I happened upon the Who made this page anyway? link. Intrigued, I searched for more information on Dan Tenaglia, and, sadly, ended up here. To the extent it is possible to mourn someone you never knew, I mourn Dan Tenaglia. From this day forward, there will be some heaviness in my heart whenever I enjoy Dan's images.
I just read the post by Mike Brennan. It makes me so happy to see that the memory of our son lives on in his botany website.
We miss him so much. The pain has yet to cease. I am sure it never will.
Thanks to all who use his site.
Dan's mother,
Linda Tenaglia
I was stunned to learn today (July 25, 2011) that Dan Tenaglia, whose generous, expert website, Missouri Plants, has been invaluable to me, passed away in 2007.
I had been planning to email him to thank him for his wonderfully informative website after finishing three hubs for hubpages. I have dedicated my hub on Falcate Orangetip Butterflies to his memory, for his website provided invaluable information for that particular hub.
I offer condolences to all who knew him, especially his family. It is clear from comments that he is greatly missed.
Thanks for posting the email and condolence for our son Dan Tenaglia. It makes us so happy to know that his website is still touching lives everywhere.
He truly was a man who enjoyed his life and made everyday worthwhile and never stopped learning.
We miss our son so much. Posts like this bring us so much joy.
Thank you,
Dan's mom, Linda Tenaglia
Wish I coulda met you, but now it's a little late. I use his webpage frequently to ID plants. Thanks Dan.
Thanks for sending me this post.
It warms our hearts to know that is Web Page is still being used.
We love and miss him so very much.
Thanks again,
Dan's proud mom, Linda Tenaglia
I use his websites on an almost daily basis. It seems that the Missouriplants.com domain has expired. Do you know if his sites will be continued by someone?
I did not realize his website has expired. I will find out about it. I sure hope it hasn't.
Thank you for your concern.
Linda Tenaglia,
Dan's proud mother.
I did not realize his website has expired. I will look into it. I sure hope it hasn't.
Linda Tenaglia, Dan's proud mother.
Hi all. Website is not expired...I keep them hosted and maintained in their "Dan form" and am glad everyone finds them useful. Being 9 months pregnant I just lost track of paying for the domain name and hosting. It should be back online now. Enjoy those plants! Please let me know at moflora@hotmail.com if you run into any site issues.
I was engaged to Dan very briefly for a time when we both lived in Missouri. We worked at the Kansas City Zoo together. I was with Dan during some of his exploration and photography sessions around Missouri. Always an adventure. I have many fond memories of Dan and I still have a wonderful wood desk he made for me in back 1999. Glad to see his website is up and still making people happy. For him, it was a labor of love.
Dan's photos are spectacular. I just came across the site, and regret to learn that he has passed away. Are the originalphotos on the Missouri Plants site available for use, with the right credit and attribution?
Thanks, Ted
Ted, if you send an email to Dan's wife(who has since remarried), you may possible get permission to use his photos. Send email to: karenhoksbergen@hotmail.com
It makes me happy to see that Dan's website is still being used. He is still alive in his fabulous work. We miss and love him so much.
Thank you for posting his comments.
Linda Tenaglia
Dan's proud mom
I am still so very happy and thank you for posting comments on this site about our son Dan.
We miss and love him so much. It makes us happy to know that his fabulous work continues on.
Linda Tenaglia
Dan's proud mom
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