Sunday, March 18, 2007

Spoke Pony Showdown

I finally attended the Spoke Pony Showdown this past weekend. Rich, a new member of Cow Town Cycling Team, talked me into racing this event earlier in the year. Last year he and Randy Cartwright won the 6 hour Duo class and he thought it would be cool to try and win again this year and keep the title in the teams name. Well, Rich thought wrong. After 6 hours of hard racing we ended up in 2nd place. We tried hard, but those young college kids are hard to keep up with :-)Things got underway with a short run to our rigs. I was laughing while I was running as I watched all these mountain bikers trying to run. Some of the worst form I have ever seen.
Align Right
There were a few that could run well including my teammate Tige Lamb. Tige ended up winning some sweet prizes for setting the fastest first lap and fastest overall lap. I can in about 30 riders/runners back. I wish I could have stopped laughing and ran faster because I ended up getting stuck behind a slower riders and it took about three quaters of lap to work my way by most of them.

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